In conjunction with the arrival of DreamWorks Animation’s 3-D feature film “Kung Fu Panda 2” in cinemas, Royal Caribbean is celebrating “Pandamonium” onboard Oasis, Allure, Freedom and Liberty of the Seas with a series of onboard red-carpet premieres.
Throughout August, guests on the four ships can enjoy screenings in 3-D, in addition to the year-round DreamWorks Experience. Features onboard include:
- 'Celebrity' characters, including Shrek, Fiona and Puss In Boots from Shrek;” Alex, Mort, and the Penguins of “Madagascar”; Po of “Kung Fu Panda”; and Hiccup from “How to Train Your Dragon.”
An ice skating 'How to Train Your Dragon' show - A DreamWorks Animation parade down the Royal Promenade
- Interactive character meals in the main dining room
- Plenty of photo opportunities
For more info, visit or, for bookings, contact the specialist cruise agents of The Cruise Line Ltd.
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